View the full rules for examples of what is and isn't acceptable. Questions that promote simple/yes/no replies, don't encourage quality discussion, or are not allowed - use the Daily Question Thread instead. Include the game's name in the post title when it is not 100% clear. Post titles should convey the content of your post quickly and effectively. No clickbait, vague, or misleading post titles. Please be civil and do not use derogatory terms. Hate-speech, personal attacks, harassment, witch-hunting, trolling, and similar behavior are not allowed. Remember the human and be respectful of others. No hate-speech, personal attacks, or harassment. Wild Fields Games Speed Crew 10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM GMT Shunsuke Minowa r/JRPG * Disgaea 7 * 4:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM GMT X Plus Games and Sonzai Games Bat Boy 8:00 AM ET / 5:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM GMT Join our Discord chat Read the Wiki / FAQ Twitter Twitch YouTube Content Filters News We are a fan-run community, not an official Nintendo forum. r/NintendoSwitch is the central hub for all news, updates, rumors, and topics relating to the Nintendo Switch. No two players will have the same experience.Ask a question Submit memes/shitposts Hide Spoilers Daily Question Thread | Read our Wiki | Join our Discord | 2022 GotY Results | Send a ModMail Thousands of variations on your Rangers' appearance. Huge & Customizable: Hundreds of characters.

with Consequences: With both short and long term reactivity, your choices ripple outwards, changing the game's events and forever altering the lives of those in the wasteland.

Features: - One Size Does Not Fit All: Don't feel like finding the key for a door? Pick the lock, bash it down with your boot, or just blow it open! - Decision Making. With over 80 hours of gameplay, you will deck out your Desert Ranger squad with the most devastating weaponry this side of the fallout zone, test the limits of your strategy skills, and bring justice to the wasteland.

The Wasteland's hellish landscape is waiting for you to make your mark. With over 80 hours of gameplay, you will deck out your Desert Ranger squad with From the Producer of the original Fallout comes Wasteland 2, the sequel to the first-ever post-apocalyptic computer RPG.