Im getting the image from an imagepicker and Encode it to BASE64 string value like below.

Solution 1: I found the solution in my question. Net (35) Xamarin (19) Xamarin.Essentials (17) Cross-Platform (10) Xamarin Studio (9) Android (8) Cognitive Service (8) MVVM (6) visual studio (6) Custom Renderer (5) Internet Connectivity (5) Bing Search API (4) DependencyService (4) Image (4) Validation (4) Xamarin Love (4) App Center (3) CRUD (3) Custom popup (3) DeviceInfo (3) Effects (3) Firebase (3) SQLite (3) webview (3) AVAudioPlayer (2) Activity Indicator (2) App Directory (2) Application Storage (2) Boderless Entry (2) Bottom Navigation Bar (2) DarkMode (2) Email (2) Frame (2) GeoCoding (2) Geolocation (2) Json (2) Json.NET (2) ListView (2) NSUserDefaults (2) Network Check (2) NetworkMonitor (2) Notification (2) Play Sound (2) Pull to Refresh (2) SMTP (2) Shadow Effects (2) Slider (2) SpeedMonitor (2) TabbedPage (2) Text File (2) TintImage (2) Toast (2) UITableView (2) XAML (2) Xamarin. SQLite 1.Visual Studio 4.14-pre43.Android 4.4(API 19)4. SQLite SQLite sqli. im using below code var image await ImagePicker.pickImage(source: imageSource) List bytes await image.readAsBytes() i wan. Xamarin Monkeys (134) Xamarin.forms (88) Xamarin Blog (60) Xamarin.iOS (46) C# (44). in write following code for getting database pat. The steps below demonstrate how to include this component in a Xamarin. Xamarin Forms applications can use the sqlite-net-pcl NuGet package to incorporate data base operations in to shared code by referencing the SQLite classes. This video lesson demonstrates the step-by-step procedure on how to install SQLite.Net and perform basic CRUD operationEnjoy Subscribe to my YouTube chann.