At least that performs, doesn't spy on me, and doesn't use all my computers resources when closed. Sorry for the rant, but this is friggin' spymalware garbage. I don't know how to classify this other than malware. That's with absolutely nothing Adobe open. Those 14 processes have allocated over 410 MB of memory combined. Who knows what else runs via svchost or rundll or whatever. Judging from Task Manager, it leaves FOURTEEN processes running - and those are just the ones that I can immediately recognize since they were launched explicitly from Adobe program files folders. Well, that's what I thought, but I don't know.

I quickly uninstalled Photoshop, and shut down CC. Also, it pumps data out to Adobe's servers on tons of processes, including a Nodejs process (w00t! seriously?) that does who-knows-what. This is indeed a rhetorical question, but are they kidding us? This is the fastest laptop I've ever owned, and never has Photoshop been this slow and laggy.

So I thought I'd step into the 21st century for realsies and try out this newfangled CC thing. I've been using CS6 on my Mac, and it's been great, but when I installed it on my shiny ASUS, the HiDPI nature of the laptop's display made the apps look, well. I've recently switched from Mac to Windows, and today I tried installing Adobe Creative Cloud.